Advising & Registration
Each entering new student is assigned an academic adviser to help you plan a course program until you formally declare a major—at which point you will either choose a major adviser, or be assigned a particular adviser depending upon the major of your choice. All advisers are faculty members who are familiar with the Smith curriculum and are interested in helping you plan a program that both reflects your interests and introduces you to new challenges and unfamiliar fields of study.
Dates & Details for Fall 2024 Advising
For All New Students
Before you arrive on campus for Orientation in August, your adviser will contact you remotely (by email or phone) to arrange for an initial Zoom “meet and greet,” during which time you will discuss your academic goals and interests. Your adviser will also help you prepare for your online registration when you arrive. Announcements about your adviser will come to you via email through the class deans office closer to the end of our summer, typically around the week of August 5.
New students may register for courses only after meeting with their adviser. Registration for new students happens during the orientation period, and before classes begin (Tuesday, September 3).
Liberal Arts Advising
Important Links
Placement Exams
AP Scores & Placement Exams
Students who receive a score of 4 or 5 on most Advanced Placement examinations will be notified by the registrar’s office regarding the credits recorded and ways they can be used. These scores can be used to aid you and your liberal arts adviser in placing you at a course level appropriate to your background. The registrar’s office also evaluates International Baccalaureate, A-levels and college credit earned before matriculation at Smith. For further details, please see the Transfer Credit page.
Full information regarding placement exams can be found on individual program pages.
Contact Office of the Class Deans
College Hall 101
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Phone: 413-585-4915 Email: